Since 2010 we have released Australian Bass, Golden Perch, Silver Perch, Glass Shrimp and Yabby into local waters throughout NSW, including Parramatta Lake, Manly Dam, Longneck Lagoon, Burrinjuck Dam, and private dams.

We ensure the fish are transported and released in accordance to the best management practices, and effective releasing techniques are performed in order to maximise their chances of survival.

Applying Stocking Permits

All stocking event that involves the release of fish into public waters of NSW requires authorisation under a stocking permit (section 216 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994).

Every year for our fish releasing event, a fish stocking permit is always applied and approved by the NSW Department of Primary Industry prior to any fish being released into approved public waters.

Before releasing any fish, everyone who are involved in or assisting in the release are made familiar with the authorising permit, stocking guidelines, and the fish stocking code of conduct.


Our fish fingerlings are sourced from fisheries appointed and approved by the NSW Department of Primary Industry. 

Fish survive transport better if they are undamaged, disease free and well fed. It is important that the time in transport is as short as possible, as it stresses the fish and can cause death even after stocking takes place.

Fish fingerings are usually kept in tanks that are well insulated and with oxygen supplies. The operator from the fishers will ensure the temperatures are kept stable and suitable for the species (15–25°C for native fish).

Release Methods

We use the broadcast method where fish are released throughout the target area in small lots to maximise their chance of survival during this critical phase.

Fish fingerlings are usually released immediately unless there is a difference of more than 5°C between the transporting water and the stocking water. In this case, we equalise the temperature slowly (about 5°C in 30 minutes) by adding site water into the tank. Once the fish fingerlings are acclimatised to the differences in water quality, we gently release them into the site water and wish them a happy life.